What is Wild Things Anatomy?

Wild Things Anatomy

Inside all of us is hope.
Inside all of us is fear.
Inside all of us is adventure.
Inside all of us is a WILD THING.

- Maurice Sendak, author of one of my favourite childhood books, Where the Wild Things Are


Reconnect with your Wild Thing

We were all ‘wild things’ once upon a time. As humans we’re born with powerful innate abilities to survive and thrive in our environment. This enabled us to live, learn & love side-by-side with nature. However, over time, through our lifestyle and life choices, we’ve lost touch with these abilities. We’ve insulated ourselves. From nature. From those around us. From our inner wild selves. We wonder why mental health and chronic diseases is the pandemics of the Western World? Our belief systems are often tied to mainstream ideologies of how we should be living our life. Our thoughts are often built of the same premises that our society and culture are built on. Mental health issues can be a legitimate rebellion against not being able to participate in programs and boxes that have been created for us.

Leah’s mission is to change is.

The name Wild Things Anatomy combines two of Leah’s passions; spending time in nature and understanding the science behind how reconnecting to nature can improve our health.

For Leah, the combination of a mindset of mastering ourselves, via breath and nature, are the gateway to greater self awareness, improved physical health and a more resilient mind. It’s these three elements that form the foundation of her approach to teaching.

Discover more about each element below.

3 Elements of Wild Things Anatomy

Wim Hof Method breathwork


There is a very profound chemical aspect to the healing gained from breathwork as it improves the biochemical states of the body.

For example, building carbon dioxide tolerance and improving oxygen uptake improves our metabolic process at the mitochondrial level, which in turn, improves every process of health including the ability to influence our immune on demand.

Additionally, we now know that breathing regulates inflammation through the stimulation of our vagus nerve. By improving our vagal tone, we can help decrease inflammation in the body. Since so many of the day-to-day physical pains that people suffer from stem from chronic inflammation and inflammation-related diseases, understanding how to decrease inflammation through breath is a powerful tool that can be taught.

Our systems can be influenced, trained, strengthened and understood thanks to conscious breathing. We cultivate peace, presence and awareness with a daily breath practice. Breathwork is a powerful way to become acquainted with your Nervous System, your internal workings and to take control. Do you suffer from anxiety? You won’t find your answer in a pill or a green salad. Get to know how your Nervous System works, build resilience so you get to be in control.

Lastly, our breath is a gateway to an altered state of consciousness that can enable you to release emotion and trauma from the nervous system, connect to the higher self, open the third eye and release DMT (N-dimethyltryptamine), which can lead to lasting emotional and spiritual healing.

Thank you to Wim Hof for taking the method through science to help us better understand these techniques and pass them onto the world.



We can look at MASTERY in many different ways. It can refer to a high level of skill or knowledge in a particular subject, craft, or activity but I am referring to mastering ourselves. It is characterised by proficiency, expertise, and a deep understanding of the subject matter - our human biology. Mastery often involves significant effort and dedication, as well as a willingness to continually learn and improve.

Striving to be the very best we can, to MASTER ourselves, mind body and spirit is achieving a harmonious balance and control over our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Practices or tools such as breathwork, meditation, temperature therapy, exercise, time in nature, healthy eating, and self-reflection can be used to create goals to cultivate a sense of inner peace, resilience, and personal growth by developing a deep connection between the mind, body, and spirit. By mastering these aspects of ourselves, we can achieve greater self-awareness, improve our physical and mental health, and lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life lead by love, truth and honesty. It is a whole body approach that enables us to live a more for filling and optimal life.

leah scott wild things cold exposure
Leah Scott Snowy Mountains local alpine guide


As humans we seem to know instinctively that spending time in nature is a good thing. Which makes sense, given that, nature, our environment, is what led to us evolving and adapting as a species. The aim with nature therapy is to just reconnect with the Earth. This can be done in a variety of ways including walking (barefoot is optional!), swimming in a river or ocean, hiking in the bush or even getting a little muddy!

Studies have shown that these activities can have important benefits for our health including the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, improving sleep, increases heart rate variability and even helping to positively change the composition of our microbiome – the genetic material that lives on and inside the human body.

Being in Mother Nature brings an element of play to any activity and studies have shown that being in nature’s presence in this way, greatly enhances our mental health.

‘We need to re-discover this indigenous perspective that we are part of nature. We should be symbolic with nature. Nature runs things, it is sustaining life on earth’ - Leah Scott

Now… stop reading this and head outside ;-)


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